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Solving Together update | Co-Production is a Cornerstone | 12 July 2023

Posted by Leigh Kendall (Admin) 9 months ago

“Solving Together is about generating improvements to health services by harvesting great ideas from anybody who wants to get involved based on strong co-production principles” Mark Agathangelou, Lived Experience Partner, Solving Together

We know that coproduction works well when people and communities are engaged right from the start.

During the crowdsourcing phase of Solving Together, we see thousands of comments and suggestions from a huge range of people. Before that phase there is lots of detailed planning to identify and shape the challenges on the platform, as well as to mobilise communities to get involved.

We work alongside lived experience partners; their expertise and experience are vital in helping to shape ideas, in mobilising their communities and networks to get involved and in working alongside NHS staff to develop crowdsourcing ideas further.

Read more about how we work together to solve together:

  • As part of Coproduction Week 2023, Gillian Driscoll, Community Mobilisation Lead in the Solving Together team, took part in a session “Coproduction at the heart of QI and Nurturing Capability”, and talked about how coproduction is part of every stage of the Solving Together roadmap. It was an energised session about the power and importance of coproduction in quality improvement.
  • An example of where ideas from crowdsourcing lead directly to change is when we heard through crowdsourcing for elective care recovery that people from areas of high levels of deprivation have a poorer relationship with planned hospital care than those from more affluent areas. People observed that sharing accurate and meaningful data about this will allow for interventions to be prioritised, targeted, and monitored. This became a Big Idea, and as a result a Data Driven Inclusive Recovery summit was held as well as the creation of a space on Health Inequalities Improvement Programme on NHS Futures . You can find the recordings from the summit, as well as collaborate with others to help address health inequalities in this NHS Futures community.
  • When Solving Together joined the Big Conversation Tim Ferris, Director of Transformation at NHS England, reminded us that “we make so much more progress when we learn and share together.”

    "The beauty of Solving Together is that everybody is equal and has an opportunity to express idea no matter who they are.” Cristina Serrao, Lived Experience Ambassador, NHS England

Let’s keep Solving Together…

Mark Agathangelou is a lived experience partner, and Cristina Serrao is a Lived Experience Ambassador in NHS England. Both have worked with Solving Together since its inception and share with us their thoughts about Co-Production and Solving Together in this blog.


Mark discusses bringing in other lived experience partners using his network of networks. You're receiving this update because you registered on the platform. Can you remember why you did that? Were you interested in responding to one of the challenges by sharing experience or suggestions or did you join to find out more generally? How could you help mobilise your networks to be involved in the future by encouraging others to sign up?

Continuing the conversations and staying connected

Another way of being connected is to join the conversations on our very active social media channels. For the latest news and to keep in touch with the Solving Together community go to Twitter, Instagram,  LinkedIn and Facebook   or contact us at  

The Solving Together team hope this update has been helpful. We look forward to keeping in touch with you and your networks.

This post was edited on Jul 12, 2023 by Leigh Kendall

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Comments (3)

Elaine KING says... 9 months ago

Love the quote from Mark!

Gillian Driscoll says... 9 months ago

I agree - the quote sums it up perfectly

Helen Lee says... 9 months ago

Fabulous!  Love the blog and quotes :)

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